membership plans

Develop The
Player Within

Inside every player is their optimal self. It only requires some hard work and drive to bring it out. We’ll show you how.

Get access to
full video
training library

Get the entire MegRem video library with easy access to drills and instruction clearly categorized so you can find exactly what you need when you need it.

Position-specific instruction

Videos on hitting, fielding, baserunning + more

Proper mechanics to build muscle memory

Drills for teams and for self-training

Get access to
the megrem practice plans

MegRem’s practice plans are designed to provide coaches with age-level-appropriate drills and practice structure. We also offer package plans for league use.

Ready made Plans for 8U, 10U, and 12U

Easy-to-follow practice structure

Detailed drills & practice guidelines


League packages available


The Megrem method

Rock the diamond as you develop killer skills for to next-level performance With collegiate-level instruction for players at every level of the game.


The essential skills and mechanics players need to excel on the field don’t look the same at beginning levels as they do in Division 1. Learn the basics the right way, so they can be a foundation for everything else.


From proper fundamentals to advanced fielding techniques, MegRem Softball helps players develop exceptional defensive skills and preparedness to truly dominate the diamond and earn a spot in the position they want to play.


Perfect the mechanics of your swing to maximize your power and electrify your performance at the plate. Discover the techniques and drills that will make you a better hitter.


Softball is very much a mental game as well as a physical one. Being knowledgeable and confident on the basepaths is essential to the success of every player.

Mental Game

The hardest part of Softball is the game played between your ears. MegRem shows players how to adopt a winning attitude that allows you to overcome adversity both on and off the field.


Great players need great coaches, so MegRem is not only dedicated to helping the next generation of players, but the next generation of coaches as well. We also help parents to fill in that role when needed.


Meg’s expertise and teaching style in conveying the game’s fundamentals position her among the top coaches nationwide. Meg consistently elevates players’ skills.”

- Jeff Schaefer

Former MLB Player

Training Clinics







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You’ve got questions, MegRem has answers. If the answer you seek isn’t here, contact us directly

Once you purchase the practice plans, there will be absolutely no refunds.

Practice plans are on an annual subscription. When you purchase, whether it’s the individual login or multiple logins, you will have access to everything that is included for 1 year. You will be charged $225 for the individual login or $1000 for 5 logins unless you cancel before the year is up.

You cannot share logins, as codes will be distributed to the associated email that paid for access and that new code will needed every time at log In.

If you bought the drill library previously, you don’t have to pay for that annual renewal. You only pay for the practice plans renewal if you choose to do so. The drill library is included in the practice plan subscription and the price will remain the same – no discounts because you already bought the drill library.

Main equipment needed for practice: Balls, tees, cages or a front toss screen, a ladder and cones..

If there is any confusion at all on what to do with your practice plan or if you need to modify, you can always reach out to Megan and ask for help/guidance.

Here's The

MegRem offers players collegiate-level instruction that is clear and simple enough to be understood at developmental levels, allowing serious players to unlock their full potential.

MegRem offers players collegiate-level instruction that is clear and simple
enough to be understood at developmental levels, allowing serious players
to unlock their full potential.

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